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At Tabernacle School, our students are preparing for their future success.

A Tabernacle Students leads by example. They are organised - arrive on time for learning,
prepared and equipped. They are resilient - embracing challenges. They are resourceful and
responsible - good stewards of their God-given gifts and talents. They are independent learners
- showing initiative in every situation.

We aim to develop students of both academic and moral excellence. Students realise the value
of education and approach learning with diligence and enthusiasm. We seek to raise the next
generation of leaders and are intentional in character training. We affirm the belief that your
attitude determines your altitude in accordance with the school’s motto, “ I can do all things
through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13.

Students believe in themselves and each other, fostering an environment of love,
understanding, and respect, for all within and outside of the school community, irrespective of
differences. We encourage curiosity and seek for our students to be cogent thinkers, knowledge
seekers and confident speakers, exhibiting Tabernacle Pride wherever they go.

From Pre-school to Year 11, students are encouraged to serve in the wider community, taking
responsibility for their learning. We want our students to develop into responsible citizens, who
enrich every environment they encounter as such, staff proactively cultivate pupils’ spiritual,
moral, social, and cultural development.

With a strong Christian ethos, Tabernacle Students are ambassadors for the school’s values of:
- Love
- Compassion
- Forgiveness
- Dignity
- Responsibility
- Endurance
- Servanthood and
- Respect.

Wherever life takes our students, we would like them to reflect with fond and enjoyable
memories on their time at Tabernacle school. We hope the principles they’ve learnt will remain
as a firm foundation, propelling them towards their future success.

“Jesus said, ...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

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